1. What is important to you in a job?
Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and
knowing that you have made a contribution.
它帶來的挑戰感, 成就感以及為之做出貢獻的滿足.
2. Why do you want to work for this
Its reputation, the opportunities it offers,
and the working conditions.
它的名氣, 所提供的機會以及工作環境(都吸引我).
3. Why should we employ you? / 我們為什麼要雇傭你?
My academic preparation, job skills, and
enthusiasm about working for the firm.
4. If we hire you, how long will you stay
with us?
As long as my position here allows me to
learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities.
5. What are your greatest strengths? / 你最大優點是什麼?
I can see what needs to be done and do it. 我做事當機立斷。
I work well with others. 我和他人容易共事。
I can organize my time efficiently. 我能有效地利用時間.
6. What are your greatest weaknesses? / 最大缺點呢?
I tend to drive myself too hard. / 我有時對自己要求過於嚴格。
I expect others to perform beyond their
capacities. / 我對別人的能力期望過高。
I like to see a job done quickly. /我喜歡速戰速決。