2011年5月31日 星期二


Create a Product Definition Statement

Before you begin designing your application, it’s essential to define precisely what your application does. A good way to do this is to craft a product definition statement—a concise declaration of your application’s main purpose and its intended audience. Creating a product definition statement isn’t merely an exercise. On the contrary, it’s one of the best ways to turn a list of features into a coherent product.

To begin with, spend some time defining your user audience: Are they experienced or novice, serious or casual, looking for help with a specific task or looking for entertainment? Knowing these things about your users helps you customize the user experience and user interface to their particular needs and wants.

Because you’re designing an iPhone application, you already know a lot about your users. For example:
因為你是在創建一個 iPhone 應用程式,你已經瞭解許多關於你的用戶的資訊。比如:

They're mobile.

They want to be able to open your application quickly and see useful content immediately.

They need to be able to accomplish things in your application with just a few taps.

Now ask yourself what traits might set your users apart from all other iPhone OS users. Are they business people, teenagers, or retirees? Will they use your application at the end of every day, every time they check their email, or whenever they have a few extra moments? The more accurately you define your audience, the more accurate are your decisions about the look, feel, and functionality of your user interface.

現在思考下,是什麼樣的特性可以將你的用戶群和其他所有 iPhone 作業系統用戶群區分開來。他們是商人、青少年還是退休人員?他們是否會在每天結束前,或每次檢查郵件的時候,亦或任何有一些空閒時間的時候,使用你的應用程式?你對目標用戶的定義越精確,你在用戶介面的外觀、感覺和功能性方面做的決策就會越精確。

For example, if your application helps business people keep track of their expenses, your user interface should focus on providing the right categories and making it easy to enter costs, without asking for a lot of details that aren’t central to the task. In addition, you might choose a subtle color palette that appears professional and is pleasant to look at several times a day.

Or, if your application is a game for a target audience of teenagers, you might instead want a user interface that is exciting, language that imparts a feeling of exclusivity, and a color palette that evokes current fashions.

Finally, examine the set of features you intend to deliver. With the image of your user audience in mind, try to distill the list of features into a single statement, a product definition statement, that describes the solution your product offers and who your users are. For example, the desktop iPhoto application allows users to, among other things, organize, edit, share, print, and view photos. But a good product definition statement doesn’t just focus on features, it also describes the intended audience. Therefore a sound product definition statement for iPhoto could be "An easy-to-use photo management application for amateur photographers." Notice how important it is to include a definition of your user audience in the product definition statement: Imagine how different an application iPhoto would be if it was designed to be “an easy-to-use photo management application for professional photographers.”
最後,來計算下你打算提供的功能特徵集合。在腦海中想像著你的目標用戶,試著將功能特徵列表提取到一份單獨的說明上,這就是一份產品定義說明,它描述了你的產品可以提供的解決方案和你的目標用戶。例如,桌面版的 iPhoto 應用程式,除了別的之外,還允許用戶整理,編輯,共用,列印和查看照片。但一份好的產品定義聲明不僅僅是只把重點放在功能特徵上面,它還要描述你的目標用戶。因此,一份健全的iPhoto產品定義說明可以是“一個為業餘攝影愛好者設計的簡單易用的圖片管理應用程式”。注意一下在產品定義說明中描述你的目標用戶是多麼重要:你只要想像一下如果iPhoto是“為專業攝影愛好者設計的圖片管理程式”,那將有多大的不同。

A good product definition statement is a tool you should use throughout the development process to determine the suitability of features, tools, and terminology. It’s especially important to eliminate those elements that don’t support the product definition statement, because iPhone applications have no room to spare for functionality that isn’t focused on the main task.
一份優秀的產品定義說明就像一個工具,你應該在整個產品開發進程中使用它來判斷提供的功能特徵,工具和術語是否合適。他尤其重要的作用是排除那些不符合產品定義說明的元素,因為 iPhone 應用程式沒有多餘的空間提供給那些不是已主任務為核心的功能。

Imagine, for example, that you’re thinking of developing an iPhone application people can use when they shop for groceries. In the planning stage, you might consider including a wide range of activities users might like to perform, such as:
想像一下,例如,你想開發一款當用戶在雜貨店購物的時候可以使用的 iPhone 應用程式。在計畫階段,你可能需要考慮到許多各種不同的用戶可能去做的活動,如:

Getting nutritional information about specific foods

Finding coupons and special offers

Creating and using shopping lists

Locating stores

Looking up recipes

Comparing prices

Keeping a running total of prices

However, you believe that your users are most concerned with remembering everything they need to buy, that they would like to save money if possible, and that they’re probably in a hurry to get home with their purchases. Using this audience definition, you craft a product definition statement for your application, such as "A shopping list creation and coupon-finding tool for people in a hurry." Filtering your list of potential features through this product definition statement, you decide to focus primarily on making shopping lists easy to create, store, and use. You also offer users the ability to find coupons for the items on their list. Even though the other features are useful (and might become primary features of other applications), they don’t fit the product definition statement for this application.

When you’ve settled on a solid product definition statement and you’ve started to use it as a filter for your proposed features, you might also want to use it to make sure your initial decision on application type is still the right one. If you began your development process with a specific application type in mind, you might find that the process of defining a product definition statement has changed the landscape. (See “Three Application Styles” for more on different types of applications you can develop.)


